Municipal government has a role in supporting projects which make local businesses attractive to residents and visitors. And each of the recent promotional projects done in Beiseker over the past few years - like the Main Street beautification program, the new business signs, and the highway signs - have been supported by Village Council.
A strong commercial Main Street is one of the keys to success for smaller communities like Beiseker. The large box stores, just a few kilometers to the west of our village, are a strong pull for consumers. All of us on Village Council have worked towards the promotion of our Main Street as a shopping destination, too.
I will continue to support projects which keep Beiseker's commercial and industrial community strong and growing, and encourage residents to shop locally. I will do this;
- by doing what I can to make building in Beiseker attractive.
- by informing others through the trade and commercial media what industries and commercial entities are needed here.
- by keeping commercial taxes as low as possible while ensuring that all services will not be compromised.
- by staying appraised of all developments in both existing and future industrial and commercial prospects.
- by working together with the commercial community (such as the Chamber of Commerce) to promote Beiseker.