ICAS is the
International Council of Air Shows, and their convention is held every year at the beginning of December in
Las Vegas, Nevada. I've just returned from this year's convention with a renewed sense of excitement and optimism for the 2016 air show season!
The American military is back in a big way, flying at shows on both sides of the border! They were back in a limited capacity in 2015 but they are planning to go all out in 2016.
Canada's magnificent Snowbirds have a
full 2016 schedule planned.
One of the most exciting bits of news comes from right here in Alberta!
Team Rocket, a two plane aerobatic team from
Rocky Mountain House, Alberta, announced that they are planning a most ambitious air show tour in 2017!
As you all know, Canada is celebrating its 150th Birthday in 2017. Air shows are huge spectator draws. They rate right up there with auto racing, soccer, football, and baseball in the numbers of fans attracted to air shows each year. But the folks in Canada's far north rarely, if ever, see an air show! Team Rocket is planning to remedy that in 2017! They're planning an air show blitz across Canada's North to celebrate Canada's 150th Birthday! They want to organize full air shows in the bigger centres and almost 40 fly-pasts over the smaller communities!
What a fantastic plan! I volunteered to help out wherever I can. Stay tuned for more details coming up.
Overall I found this year's convention full of optimism and excitement. Now we need to get ready for the spring! Clear skies!