Saturday, March 10, 2012

Municipalities Matter

Have you heard the new ad campaign, "Municipalities Matter," put up by the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA)?

They note that for every tax dollar collected through income tax, GST, and other taxes, (except of course property tax) only ten cents comes back to the Municipality!  I've been crabbing about that for years!

The province has set up this "Us versus Them" attitude.  Every time a municipality, whether it be tiny like Beiseker or huge like Calgary, needs extra funding, they must go hat in hand to the provincial government and quite literally beg for extra funding.  That whole attitude has to change because after all it's our money!

It's no coincidence that these adds came out just as an election is imminent! 

You can view the campaign here;

1 comment:

  1. Ray,
    I have read AUMA's comments and agree with all of them.
    We as a small village depend on property taxes and government grants to finance the Village requirements. We need more than 10% from the provincial government, or our property taxes are going to increase substantially.
    There is a provincial election on the horizon.
    When the canditates appear at your door, ask them what they are going to do about it.
