Saturday, January 25, 2014

Snowmobile Woes!

It seems that every winter. when the snow is down and the weather warms up, we get complaints about snow machines and their use in Beiseker.

Snowmobilers, please remember that our traffic bylaw here in town stipulates that your speed must be kept to 20 km/h and your route must be the shortest way out of the village.  No off-road vehicles can operate within village limits between 11 p.m. and 8 a.m.   And, you must stick to laneways as much as possible and you must stop and check carefully when proceeding across streets. 

Our bylaw regarding off-road type vehicles is much more generous than other municipalities.  Some communities prohibit the use of such vehicles to operate within municipal boundaries at all.  In those centres, snowmobiles, quads and dirt bikes must be trailered into and out of town. I for one would not like to see those sort of rules here in Beiseker!

If you know of someone who snowmobiles, please remind them of our traffic bylaw.